I have always been driven to do good. It’s why I’ve spent my professional career as a speech and language pathologist working with children.
It’s why, too, I so appreciate the Sisters and the Associates, and am grateful to join with them in Live the Good retreats and Saturday Mornings of Spirituality. It’s why I’m a Eucharistic distributor and reader at Sunday Mass in the Sister’s chapel at Mt. Notre Dame, and why I enjoy small group meetings with Associates. Praying, working together, listening to one another helps us all to deepen our awareness of God in our lives.
Being a member of the Associate Design Team has been an opportunity to help chart the future of the Association within the Ohio Province. I have met incredible Sisters and Associates these last five years. And all of us, from a Sister who has been dedicated to God for decades, to Associates newly committed – we are all still searching, questioning, and learning. We are keeping our hearts open to God’s presence and to one another, even in days that may be difficult. We are helping each other grow in spirit and faith, and are caring for one another. In so doing we have become a true community.