Updates from the Office of Justice, Peace and Care for Creation, June 20, 2024

World Refugee Day



On This Day of Freedom (A Juneteenth Prayer)

God of all peoples, of all nations,

On this day of freedom, we celebrate triumphantly with all people of goodwill that we might walk arm in arm towards justice for all.

Breathe into us your eternal breath, that we may never tire of ensuring a flourishing life for all people, but most especially, those brothers and sisters whose growth has been stifled by the trauma of being enslaved.

O God, we know and have seen your goodness, and because of it, we cling to the hope that unity and liberation for all are within our grasp. Continue to show us your goodness, that we may have the strength to advance your kingdom with humility and grace.

- Catholic Health Association


World Refugee Day is this Thursday, June 20. If you would like to participate in action on behalf of refugees, the National Partnership for New Americans has a toolkit with a list of actions you can take this week. I know the week is over half done, but you can pick and choose what works for you. And it doesn’t hurt to continue into next week.

Last week, the Public Interest Research Group, Environment America, and Environmental Action hosted a webinar on the plastic pellets (nurdles) floating in our waterways. These pellets are the by-product of oil refining and are the source of new plastic across the planet. If you would like to view the recording, you can find it here. Even if you do not watch the video, can you sign the petition to Congress, asking them to pass the Plastic Pellet Free Waters Act to prevent this pollution in the first place.


How would you like to map the impact of the immigrants living in your area? The American Immigration Council is attempting to help people see the positive impacts of immigration and drown out the false information. You can Map the Impact in your area and share what you learn with others!

Are you aware of the congregational video on the SNDdeN Clean Water for Life project? I thought everyone had seen the full 20-minute video until someone told me otherwise. It is available on our website. It is a hope-filled and uplifting view of the water project. If you haven’t seen it, take a look.

Democracy Watch

I will soon be inviting those of you in Cincinnati to join me in writing a few non-partisan letters to registered, but inactive, voters to encourage them to get out and vote. I hope you will join me in this effort.


The USCCB has released new materials for Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship. We are invited to read and share these materials, which guide our political responsibility as Catholics and faithful citizens. The information is available in English and Spanish.
New Introductory Note to Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship: English | Spanish.
The Role of the Church in American Political Life: English | Spanish.
The Dignity of the Human Person: English | Spanish.
The Common Good: English | Spanish.
Solidarity: English | Spanish.
Subsidiarity: English | Spanish.

“In the Catholic Tradition, responsible citizenship is a virtue, and participation in political life is a moral obligation.” — Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, No. 13. The USCCB encourages us all to form our conscience and vote! It is a call of our faith.