Updates from the Office of Justice, Peace and Care for Creation, September 26, 2024

Updates from the Office of Justice, Peace and Care for Creation,  September 26, 2024


am sure you have read the news about what is happening in Springfield OH as a result of the manufactured rumors around the Haitian refugee community there. There have been bomb threats and schools and business have had to temporarily shut down in response. The Ohio Immigrant Alliance has launched One Love Ohio, a crowd-sourced platform of stories of kindness, community-building, solidarity and support. You can engage in support with the community at this website. And please keep them in prayer.


Advocacy and Action

On September 14, 2024, another defender of human rights and the environment was brutally murdered, this time in Honduras. Juan Lopez’s life and death mirror Dorothy Stang’s. He was shot by gunmen as he left Sunday Mass. He was killed for his defense of the people, the Guapinol River, and the Carlos Escaleras National Park from illegal mining. Like Dorothy, his legacy will live on, but right now his loved ones mourn him. Several international human rights and environmental agencies are asking us to contact our elected federal officials demanding justice for Juan. Ask them to follow the lead of Senators Merkley and Welsh and Representatives Schadowsky, McGovern, Raskin, and Garcia who have condemned the assassination. Ask them to seek an investigation into his murder. More information on what we should ask is in the attached letter from Sharon White, SSJ. I have also attached a reflection from the SHARE Foundation delegation. The UUSC has published this article for more background. You can find ways to contact your elected officials at the links below.

Education and Information

The Catholic Church in the United States will observe National Migration Week (NMW) from September 23-29, 2024. This annual celebration culminates with the World Day of Migrants and Refugees (WDMR), established by the Holy See over 100 years ago and commemorated by Catholics across the globe. The theme for NMW 2024, “God Walks with His People,” underscores our church’s solidarity with migrants as they journey to find security, safety and peace for themselves and their families. In preparation for this celebration, please take an opportunity to read Pope Francis’ WDMR message. Be sure to check out the Justice for Immigrant’s NMW page, 2024 toolkit and prayer resources.

Democracy Watch and Resources

Ohio Residents: There is a lot of confusion around Ohio Issue 1 on the ballot this November. Issue 1 is an attempt to correct Ohio’s badly gerrymandered districts. To make things worse, the ballot language that has been crafted by Secretary of State Larose is purposefully confusing. So much so that the language was taken to the Ohio Supreme Court. Sadly, the bias in the court means the language was not required to change. In her dissent, Democratic Justice Jennifer Brunner wrote, "We should be requiring a nearly complete redrafting of what is perhaps the most stunningly stilted ballot language that Ohio voters will have ever seen."

When people read this misleading language, it will alarm them enough to vote in the way the writers wish. Gerrymandering is harmful regardless of which party is in power while drawing the maps. Politicians have a vested interest in retaining the ability to draw maps for themselves. Regardless of how the ballot reads, please be aware of what your “yes” vote or “no” vote means. Please see the attached explainer culled from various Ohio newspaper articles. And keep watch for last night’s recording from the Ohio Sisters Justice Network. It will be available soon. If you are still unclear, I am happy to speak to anyone about this issue.


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