Updates from the Office of Justice, Peace and Care for Creation, March 20, 2025

Updates from the Office of Justice, Peace and Care for Creation, March 20, 2025


Prayer Yesterday, I read a beautiful reflection from the Franciscan Action Network weekly newsletter on the upcoming Gospel for the Third Sunday of Lent. I appreciated the author’s simple response and call to “Tending our Fig Tree”. You might enjoy this reflection as well.

LCWR has opened a virtual Lenten Prayer Space on Lent's Wednesdays. It is open 9 AM to 9 PM. 

Advocacy and Action

For many folks around the world, it has been a rough 9 weeks on the political stage. There are many around the world in dire straits with funding pulled from programs and uncertainty in terms of global finance, economy, and peace. What is to be done? I take great solace in St. Julie’s quote of the day today:

“Here is the solid truth: the good God asks us to do only the good in our power - what we can do with the help of His grace.”

One of the things we can do now is make a call – EVERY DAY – to our elected officials at both the federal level and the state level. Commit to making at least one call daily to let your elected officials know your thoughts on the things happening in our world. 

Several of our sisters have taken direct action to help their immigrant neighbors these last few months. One of the other things sisters have done is to prepare immigrant rights cards to hand to our immigrant neighbors. Every person has certain rights under the law. In several languages, the cards list the rights an individual has if they are approached by anyone who requests their identity. These cards help even those who have documentation. People are often stopped because of the color of their skin or the accent of their speech. This racial profiling is an extension of a practice that has happened for decades to black and brown citizens in the US.

We have two action/advocacy calls from the USCCB Migrant and Refugee Services’ Justice for Immigrants (JFI) project:

Urge Congress to Protect the Persecuted JFI has an ongoing action alert calling on advocates to urge their members of Congress to lift up their voice in support of upholding our nation’s bipartisan legacy of refugee resettlement. Please send the action today. Thank you!

Urge Congress to Protect Dreamers and Mixed-Status Families JFI also has an action alert for encouraging Congress to protect and support Dreamers, as well as to avoid limiting program eligibility—through reconciliation or otherwise—in such a way as to prevent mixed-status families in our country from accessing the same support as other American families.

From Catholic Charities USA: The Urban Institute created a first-of-its-kind data tool to demonstrate how a potential loss of government grants would affect the financial sustainability of nonprofits. Users can search by state, county, and congressional district to determine the share of nonprofits in their community at risk of being unable to cover their expenses without government grants. This data is a valuable tool when advocating for the vulnerable populations. Cutting these programs will impact communities of color in a greater proportion to any other.

Education and Information

Join the Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation Commission (JPIC) and Anti-Racism Committee (ARC) of the Sisters of St. Francis of Mary Immaculate, Joliet Franciscans, for a four-session monthly Zoom gathering titled Sharing Cultures. Hear people speak on what is special about their culture to understand persons of cultures other than yours better.

Check out the Transformative Justice Resource page from LCWR. Currently you will find an article titled "A Response from the Leadership Conference of Women Religious to These Times" as well as preparation and action steps you can take.

Last week, I heard about a new term: eco-grief. It’s not a term I have heard before, but it is a concept I have felt … and feel ever greater in these times. JCWR invites you to a webinar on Thursday, March 27, from 7:30-9:00 PM ET regarding eco-grief's emotional and spiritual challenges. Featuring Victoria Loorz, eco-theologian and author of Church of the Wild, along with young Catholic climate activists from Catholic Climate Covenant and Franciscan Action Network, this event will offer wisdom, solidarity, and hope in the face of the climate crisis.

This event is hosted by the Tri-State Network, a coalition of congregations of Catholic women religious committed to peace, justice, and spirituality. There is a suggested donation of $15 to offset the speaker fees. You can register here.