Action for Justice Blog
Thank you for your prayers yesterday for the Catholics at the Capitol Day. I have attached the information the Catholics who represented us gave to our Ohio legislators. I hope you will pray this week for those legislators to take to heart the issues discussed and to open their hearts to the wisdom of the Spirit.
On April 9, the Catholic Conference of Ohio will host the annual Catholics at the Capitol. Catholics from around the state will gather in Columbus to pray and to meet with state senators and assembly members to present a Catholic take on the issues faced by our society today
On Good Friday, the annual Way of the Cross Way of Justice will be held downtown at Smale Park along the river. Prayer will begin at noon, and the Paddle Wheel and walk will end at the Esplanade ½ miles away. There will be five stops for prayer connecting the suffering of today to the suffering of Jesus on the way to the cross.
March 22, 2024 - In the wake of the unfathomable violence and suffering unfolding in the Holy Land, our hearts ache with profound sorrow. The egregious attack on October 7, 2023, has sparked relentless assaults, resulting in unimaginable loss and devastation. As Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, we cannot remain silent in the face of such tragedy. The denial of food, water, shelter and medicine – basic human necessities – has plunged the region into a cycle of despair and anguish while the flames of fury engulf innocent lives.
Prayer for a Ceasefire in Gaza and an opportunity to take action. Please join the Sisters of Providence for Prayer for Ceasefire in Gaza on March 21, 2024, at 7:00 pm (eastern). You can enter the Facebook Live feed or Vimeo Live Stream. The virtual feeds will only have sound once the service begins.
We invite you to confess the sin of racism, privately and communally. As we move through this lenten season of conversion, we invite you to follow some of the "racial examination of conscience: written by Mark Schmidt, the director of the Respect of Life/Social Justice Office of the Archdiocese of Dubuque.
The Franciscan Action Network will host A Dialogue with Palestinian and Israeli Bereaved Families for Peace via Zoom on March 14 at 3:00PM. This dialogue will feature two speakers, one Israeli and one Palestinian, who will share personal stories of loss and how they continue to work together for peace in the Holy Land. REGISTER.
The Ohio Province of The Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur join the call of Bishop Mark Seitz in expressing our solidarity with Annunciation House in El Paso Texas, which is the target of prosecution by Texas State Attorney General, Ken Paxton. The US immigration system has been insufficient for decades and the US-Mexico border is chaotic at best. The US has failed to provide a safe system for those seeking asylum. We remember Joseph, Mary and Jesus when, as a family, they were forced to flee to Egypt. Annunciation House has been supporting migrants and asylum seekers for almost 50 years. Seeking asylum is a human right protected by international law. Annunciation House is a community of faith-filled Christians who believe in living out the ministry of Hospitality to migrants. It has served as a way station to people granted legal asylum, to gather themselves before yet another journey to their sponsors in the US.
The Christians for Ceasefire collaboration, in which Mercy Justice Team, Franciscan Action Network, Pax Christi USA, and Maryknoll OGC, among others, are taking part, is calling for Lenten prayer and action for a cease-fire in Gaza.
February 8 is the Feast of St. Josephine Bakhita, patroness of the victims of human trafficking. Injustice and peace circles, we talk a lot about intersectionality. You can’t talk about one issue without discussing others that intersect with it—for example, human trafficking and climate change.
Save the Date! In celebration of Earth Day 2024, the Plastics Advocacy committee of the Dorothy Stang Initiative will host Laudato Si’: Spirituality and Action on Saturday, April 20 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. in Amiens. Registration is required. Earth Day 2024 theme is Planet vs Plastic! It fits right in with the work of the Dorothy Stang Initiative!
February 8 is the Feast of St. Josephine Bakhita, patroness of the victims of human trafficking. Injustice and peace circles, we talk a lot about intersectionality. You can’t talk about one issue without discussing others that intersect with it—for example, human trafficking and climate change.
February 2 through February 8 will be days of prayer and action against Human Trafficking in Rome and around the world. You can follow the events, download the 2024 prayer service, and see the prayer written by Pope Francis in 2015 on the International Day of Prayer website. Please consider working this service into your prayers starting February 2.