Your Little Bit of Good - For the Earth March 30, 2024

Plan-based food


Metaphor for Change

Spring is a metaphor for change.
Some changes we eagerly await, and some we abhor.
Some changes we plan, and others arrive uninvited.
To all these changes we ask the gift of Your perspective, beckoning us to expectation, hope, and rebirth.
May the sunlight and the rain be reminders that You are at work renewing the earth.
As a God of renewal, You are ever at work in our lives, too.
Open our eyes and lives to the needed changes in our lives this Spring.
Awaken us to new life and perspective, for we pray in Jesus’ name.

Source: Spring Prayer


This Lent YLBG series has focused on how our food choices affect our health and the planet's health. I have nothing more to add to what we have learned over the last 5 weeks. I hope it has been as educational for you as it has been for me.

There is only so much we can do to reduce our effect on the earth. Much must be done on a systematic level to make an impact. The question we should ask ourselves is, “What is mine to do?” Then, we should do as much of that as we can.

It will take some brain retraining for me to think about what’s for dinner when meat is not on the menu. (It shouldn’t be that difficult. I’m married to a vegetarian! But he makes his own dinner.) Good protein alternatives include nuts, beans, seeds, legumes, and various protein-rich grains. There are many resources available for eating more plants. We just need to learn something new!
But now you know that eating a more plant-based diet is good for both our bodies and our planet.


I hope you will reflect on the good you have done these Fridays of Lent.
I encourage you to consider continuing meatless meals one day a week, if that possibility is open to you. I’ve been told that meatless Fridays used to be year around in the “olden days.”
Maybe that is one regression we could embrace!

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