Your Little Bit of Good - For the Earth September 13, 2024

Season of Creation 2024, to hppe and to act with creation


One of the focus points of the SOC 2024 is fossil fuels. Reducing our use of fossil fuel is imperative, but complex. It is systems change, and it is not easy. So, we go back to the question, “What is mine to do?”

Each individual should examine where in their life they can reduce fossil fuel use. This includes energy use in the home and fuel in the car. But there are many other ways to reduce our footprint. Reducing our meat consumption and refusing plastics are a good start. Reusing items as much as we can manage, as production of everything uses fossil fuels, even recycling processes have a fossil fuel cost. It takes research and effort to make changes. But we must make them.


SOC Prayers from the Episcopal Church

For the Stewardship of Creation
O merciful Creator, your hand is open wide to satisfy the needs of every living creature: Make us always thankful for your loving providence; and remembering the account that we must give one day, grant that we may be faithful stewards of your good gifts; through Jesus Christ our Savior, who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, for ever and ever. Amen

For the Healing of Creation Gracious
God, the air sings with songs of glory, water flashes silver with creation, and the forests bloom with leaves for healing nations. May your light and love fill our hearts and souls and minds, that we may share your abundant grace with the world. Amen

For the Beauty of Creation
Loving God, Creator of all, we thank you for the beauty of Creation; show us, we pray, how to respect the fragile balance of life. Guide by your wisdom those who have power to care for or to destroy the environment, that by the decisions we make, life may be cherished and a good and fruitful earth be preserved for future generations; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen


The Season of Creation is an interfaith and global movement. Each year they provide several opportunities for engagement. Would you consider joining with people across the globe and signing the faith letter in support of the Fossil Fuels Non-proliferation Treaty?

The Congregation of St Joseph will publish daily meditations during the Season of Creation. You may visit the webpage daily.

Consider adding a weekly rosary of creation to your prayers for the Season of Creation?

”Courage! The more crosses you have, the more your soul will grow. Let the good God act.” - St. Julie Billiart

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