Sister Pat Pieper, SNDdeN finds joy at the Open Shelter, Columbus, Ohio

Sister Pat Pieper, SNDdeN finds joy at the Open Shelter, Columbus, Ohio

When Sister Pat Pieper, SNDdeN became a Pastoral Associate of Holy Cross Parish, in Columbus, Ohio, she was introduced to the Open Shelter. She worked with them for a while until she was called to be a Pastoral Minister in Cuvilly, France, and Namur, Belgium. When she returned to Columbus in 2013, she went back to volunteer with the Open Shelter, a community where she finds that joy is all around.

The Open Shelter's slogan is "Staying Behind with Those Left Behind."  Sister Pat talks with a man who recently became unhoused.
Sister Pat with Solomon Dean, Deputy Director of Day Services. The Open Shelter is one of few organizations that allow people to use their address, a crucial service that is sometimes overlooked.