Village children in Pelende, Democratic Republic of Congo, gather around to collect clean water in their village. Thanks to the Clean Water for Life project, many can now look forward to a healthier life.
Clean Water is Key to Life
During the 2024 Lenten season, we hope you will take a moment to learn about the work of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur to provide clean water in Africa. To reflect on the Clean Water for Life project, you can ...
PRAY for those in Africa without electricity or clean water, circumstances that guarantee a greater risk for deadly, water-borne diseases like cholera, hepatitis, and dysentery. Millions of children are especially at risk. Clean water is the key to a healthy life.
FAST from wasting electricity and water, two vital resources that many live without daily. The Clean Water for Life project addresses both scarcities by building solar energy stations that power water purification systems.
LEARN about the challenges for those who lack access to basic resources, including the impact on health and education. Visit
You can join us in this life-changing effort by spreading awareness about the Clean Water for Life project among your friends, family and colleagues.
May we share with grateful and humble hearts the goodness of God through prayer, fasting and extending empathy this Lenten season.
“And Jesus said to them, ‘I assure you that whatever you do for one another, you do for Me.’” - Matthew 25:40
Sister Ann Fanella, SNDdeN
Clean Water for Life Volunteer
P.S. If you'd like additional information about the Clean Water for Life project, please contact Karen Hadden at [email protected]rg or 513-679-8106.
Jesus, as we walk with you these forty days, may we be more aware of the Clean Water for Life Project. Please bless the people benefiting from it, and all those building it, maintaining it and contributing to it. Amen.
Written by Sister Barbara Quinn, SNDdeN