Using solar panels, villagers in Kitenda, the Democratic Republic of Congo, can power the systems that filter and clean their water. The Clean Water for Life project helps fund these materials.
Clean Water is Key to Life
Our Lenten series on the Clean Water for Life project continues this week with a closer look at the three priorities for work being coordinated by the Sisters where they live and serve at remote locations in Africa.
In 2003, the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur initiated a photovoltaic program in Africa by bringing electricity and pure water to three sites in Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Today, there are nine sites in Africa harnessing the power of the sun to provide a reliable source of electricity and clean water to hospitals, clinics, schools and villages.
In many places in Africa, there is no reliable water source -- not even a stream or water hole providing dirty water is available. The water table is often located deep in the earth, sometimes hundreds of feet down into the soil and often under rock. The Sisters are helping villagers install bore holes with hand pumps. This reliable local water source allows for a reallocation of time toward more productive activities, such as attending school.
The Purifier of Water packet was developed by Procter & Gamble in collaboration with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Created to enable people anywhere in the world to purify dirty water in a simpler, more affordable and convenient way, the water purification packet is based on technology similar to municipal water systems in developed countries. The global network of schools and clinics where our Sisters serve are natural education and distribution points for the water purification packets. This “network in place” promotes systemic change in local communities.
As you can see, the solution to the water crisis is complex. Will you pray with the Sisters that their work to improve the lives of African villagers will succeed in making known God’s goodness?
Sister Ann Fanella, SNDdeN
Clean Water for Life Volunteer
P.S. If you'd like additional information about the Clean Water for Life project, don't hesitate to contact Karen Hadden at [email protected]rg or 513-679-8106.
Jesus, Water of Life, cleanse and refresh us! In your name, SNDdeNs and other 21st-century disciples are working to provide clean water for our sisters and brothers in Africa. During Lent, may we, too, promote the Clean Water Project through our prayers and sacrifices!
Sister Barbara Quinn, SNDdeN