Project Mission:

Teacher is providing clean water to studentsThe Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur participate in a worldwide mission to spread the goodness of God. An important way the Sisters are living this mission is reaching out globally through the Clean Water for Life Project to provide life-saving clean, safe water to the students our Sisters serve in Africa, South and Central America.

The Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur operate a vast network of schools and missions in 17 countries on five continents which allows us to build cross-cultural understanding among school children here in the U.S. and in developing and impoverished communities across the globe. Encouraging solidarity with those our Sisters serve, fostering compassion, and advancing global connections are hallmarks of schools operated by the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur.

Project Goal:

Provide an opportunity for participation in the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur Clean Water for Life Project as a way of living the Gospel and exposing the mission of the Sisters to a wider audience.

Project Objectives:


  • Strengthen the connection with the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur’s heritage and mission.
  • Incorporate the experience of the Sisters’ work into your curriculum studies including: Social Studies, Religious Studies, Science, Service and Campus Ministries and Justice & Peace.
  • Challenge of making a difference and being a shining presence of God’s love in the lives of students who the Sisters serve in Africa and Latin America by providing the resources for clean water.
  • Receive first-hand information from the Sisters who are actually doing the work.

Links to:

Contact Information:

For more information about the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur Clean Water for Life Project, contact Karen Hadden, associate development director, at (513) 679-8106.