Sister Rose Zuber
Cincinnati, OH
"I'm here if you need me.”
Not much gets past Sister Rose Zuber, which explains why she’s so much in demand and always on the go.
Sister Rose is a nurse. Her first ministry in medicine was 63 years ago at the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur convent infirmary in what is now Summit Country Day School in Cincinnati, Ohio. Over the years she served as the community nurse for our Sisters in Dayton and Cincinnati.
These days she accompanies our older Sisters to and from doctors’ appointments and provides an extra set of eyes and ears when diagnoses are received. She also takes our Sisters to hospitals for medical procedures and looks in on them after surgery and treatment.
Many days she juggles morning and afternoon appointments, making sure our Sisters are where they are supposed to be. She comes equipped with a bag of books and Sudoku puzzles for those extra long waits, but most of the time the bag stays closed and Sister Rose does what she says she does best. Listen.
“When a Sister wants to talk about what she’s facing,
I listen with complete attention and without being judgmental.”
I listen, as well, “Sister Rose continued, “if I’m asked to be present when a Sister meets with her doctor. I help with the questions she should ask, the answers she should expect, and I help her to gather information and understand all the options.”
Sister Rose is often the first friendly face our Sisters see after surgery. “I like to be there as soon as Sister is brought to her room from recovery. Then I pull the chair up real close to the bed so I can wipe her forehead or give her some ice chips. And I always whisper, ‘I’m here if you need anything.’” No task is trivial. No need is overlooked. Because as Sister Rose puts it, “It’s my ministry. It’s my life.”
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