Evan Mack: Three Reflection of Sister Dorothy

Evan Mack: Three Reflection of Sister Dorothy

Evan Mack, the producer of Angel of the Amazon, an opera based on Sister Dorothy, will release an album "The Travelled Road" on March 26, 2021. In it, he wrote Three Reflections of Sister Dorothy. More information can be found here

Words by Evan Mack

I. Have I Not Wept?

Have I not wept for those in trouble? Has not my soul grieved for the poor? The oppressed retreat from me as I come here to help them.

How can I raise the poor from the dust and lift them from the ashes

If they see me as a hand for the wicked? I tried and failed. What did I do wrong?

Have I not wept? Am I not pained enough? Have I not grieved enough? They cried for my help. They cried out to me.

And my words, only words could not comfort them.

I’ll try again. And this time, I won’t fail!

I must seek to follow Christ and give up what is mine.
In the spirit of the Lord I will sacrifice.
I cannot help the poor unless I’m one of them. Together, we’ll walk the path of God!

II. The Mountain Top

I don’t know what will happen now.

We’ve come so far, but it’s not quite over yet,

And my role in this is almost over now. And I know.

But I’ve been to the mountaintop.
I have seen the promised land, so I don’t mind.

I lived a full life and the journey’s been long. I may not get there. I may not see the end.
But I know, it will happen.

We will go to the mountaintop. We will see the promised land.

We will reach the mountaintop.

I could die. I could lose my life for the struggle.
I am scared, but won’t be afraid.

I fear no evil, as you are with me Lord.
I have so much to gain, if I die, then let me die!

Then we’ll reach the mountaintop.
We will reach the promised land.
We will reach the mountaintop.

III. Will They Listen?

Will they listen?
Will the listen today?
Will they hear the cries of the poor?

I hope they listen.
I hope they listen to me. So many years, no one has heard.
O God, O God, let them hear. Make them hear the cries of the poor.

Make them listen.
Make them listen to me to guarantee a life for tomorrow. Think of tomorrow and all we can achieve.
O God, O God, this dream may die.

Today, if they don’t see what all these years of struggles mean to me,
If someone shows us mercy and restores my people’s dignity.

O God, give me strength, as I am their voice.

I’ll make them listen. I’ll make them listen to me to guarantee this dream can survive!