Honoring Justice: Sister Isabelle Izika Attends Tapestry Dedication Including Sister Dorothy Stang, SNDdeN

Honoring Justice: Sister Isabelle Izika Attends Tapestry Dedication Including Sister Dorothy Stang, SNDdeN

Sister Isabelle Izika, SNDdeN, was honored to attend the dedication Mass for a new tapestry at Saint Francis Xavier Parish in New York City. Sister Kathleen Harmon, SNDdeN, Ohio Provincial, invited Sister Isabelle to represent the Province and Congregation at this meaningful event. The tapestry, titled "Into Light and Truth: Holy People of the Americas," includes Sister Dorothy Stang, SNDdeN, among the celebrated figures who dedicated their lives to justice.

During the event, Sister Isabelle had the privilege of meeting John Nava, the gifted artist behind the tapestry. The organizers provided booklets summarizing the lives and struggles of those depicted—American holy people who fought against injustice. At the center are three young figures, symbolizing the ongoing struggles in our world. The artist emphasized that the responsibility for continuing this work now rests with younger generations.

In his powerful sermon, the parish pastor called us all to stand and commit ourselves to this cause, reminding us that our fight must always be for others, not just ourselves. The tapestry is placed at the church entrance, serving as a reminder to everyone who enters of these figures' selfless dedication and our shared responsibility to continue the fight for justice.