Students from Mount Notre Dame High School have crafted powerful reflections on justice, service, and faith in action as part of their application to attend the historic honoring of Sister Dorothy Stang, SNDdeN, at the Basilica di San Bartolomeo all'Isola in Rome. Sister Dorothy dedicated her life to serving alongside communities in Brazil that were made poor and advocating for preserving the Amazon rainforest. Her ultimate sacrifice on February 12, 2005, standing firm in her commitment to justice, continues to inspire people worldwide. We will share one student's essay daily as we count down to February 12, 2025, the 20th anniversary of Sister Dorothy's martyrdom.
Maggie M.
I have always wanted to go to Rome since I was little and it has always been my dream. My great grandma lived in Italy and she would always tell me stories about how amazing the culture was. I want to learn more about Rome's culture and find out more information about my own culture. I also love Sister Dorothy Stang's story and how she was willing to help others always and fought for what she believed in and never gave up all the way to her death. I would love to have this opportunity to go to Rome an honor Sister Dorothy and all she did and I believe this is an amazing opportunity and I would love to be apart of it.
I would say that Sister Dorothy moved to Brazil to help save the rainforest and fought for the environment. Sister Dorothy had a goal and dream and she worked for that dream to save the forest all the way to her death. Sister Dorothy not only was a rule model for everyone in Brazil and gave them a voice she also started a movement that honored her and continued even after she died which truly shows how big her mission was that it continued after her death. Sister Dorothy never gave up and truly became a rule model to me because she fought so hard. She not only fought for the rain forest she also lived with the poor in order to help them and not many people would go and live with the poor they would just say they help the poor but she truly wanted to help and in order to do that she lived the same life they did and she always fought for peace and fairness for all people.
I truly love Sister Dorothy's story and how she fought for what she believed in and never used violence even though others used it towards her. Sister Dorothy truly is a role model to me and it would be an honor to get to see her be recognized and honored for all she has done because she truly deserves it more than anyone. This trip would deepen my faith by helping me understand Sister Dorothy better and get to learn more about all she has done to help others and how she has changed people's lives all around the world and her mission is known world wide. I would also love to hear others stories about Sister Dorothy and see her mission as others see it and hear how her others lives were impacted because of her.