Dorothy Stang Legacy Continues ...
"I am Sister Judi Clemens, and I had the wonderful privilege of living long ye...
Read the coverage from NCR Online about the Dorothy Stang Initiative for Laudato Si'...
This booklet brings us the reflections of the people who treasure the blessedness of Sister Dorothy Stang, SNDdeN. May these reflections lead us to breathe in "vivid air," signed with the memory of one who was "truly great." May we be blessed by the memory of Sister Dorothy Stang.
My Faith Sustains Me. Sister Dorothy Stang, SNDdeN, 1931-2005. A disciple of Jesus and daughter of Julie: Martyred for the sake of justice.
Grace Herron, a lyric soprano from Philadelphia will be performing a classical concert ...
We celebrate with Tabitha Mueller, the winner of the 2023 Spirit of Sister Dorothy Stang Award from Mount Notre Dame High School, granted by the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur and the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.
On this Laudato Si' week, we are happy to share this book with anyone who would like to read "Angel in the Forest" Book, written by Sister Janet Mullen, SNDdeN.
This manifesto was written by Sister Jane Dwyer, SNDdeN, who is still in mission in Brazil, to commemorate the 18th years of the murder of Sister Dorothy Stang, SNDdeN
On the 18th anniversary of Sister Dorothy Stang's martyrdom, we visited with Sister Jo Depweg, SNDdeN, who spent time with Sister Dorothy Stang in Brazil. We asked, "What do you think young people today need to know about Sister Dorothy?"
St. Joseph and St. Raphael Catholic Parish invited Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur Judi Clemens, Joan Krimm and Jo Depweg for a conversation to commemorate 18th anniversary of Sister Dorothy Stang martyrdom. Thank you St. Joseph and St. Raphael community for joining us in continuing Sister Dorothy Stang's legacy.
Her legacy endured in us, in Brazil, the United States and across the globe
Evan Mack, the producer of Angel of the Amazon, an opera based on Sister Dorothy, will release an album "The Travelled Road" on March 26, 2021. In it, he wrote Three Reflections of Sister Dorothy.
During the past year, the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur embarked on a special journey by remembering Sister Doroty Stang on the 15th Anniversary of her martyrdom in Brazil.
In the town of Anapu, Brazil, in the Wild West of the Amazon, a little girl said to the man handing out posters with an image of Sister Dorothy Stang, “I want one, too.”
Over the past ten months, the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur have been engaged in the Sister Dorothy Stang 15th Anniversary Rememberance project with the theme, “Her Legacy endures in us,” This project, which remembers Sister Dorothy on the 15th anniversary of her murder in Brazil, began on February 12, 2020 and will continue through February 12, 2020 and will continue through February 12, 2021. While this anniversary is a time to remember, it is also time to look forward and consider the ways in which Dorothy’s legacy will continue into the future.
The Dorothy Stang Initiative for Laudato Si' Action: News Coverage at the&...
Megascops Stangiae: New Species of Owl Named in Honor of Sister of Notre Dame de Namur Dorothy Stang
A newly-discovered species of owl living almost 4,000 miles from Dayton has just been named after a Dayton native. Sister of Notre Dame de Namur Dorothy Stang, assassinated in 2005 by henchmen of Brazilian cattle ranches, fought to protect the rainforest and families practicing subsistence and sustainable farming. Now, in that same rainforest, scientists have discovered a new owl - the Xingu Screech Owl, the scientific name for which will be Megascops stangiae.
A year after the martyrdom of Sister Dorothy Stang in 2005 in Boa Esperança, Pará, Brazil, the Stang family, during their customary family reunion, dedicated a large stone with a bronze plaque in Dorothy’s memory at Calvary Cemetery in Dayton, Ohio.
A year after the martyrdom of Sister Dorothy Stang in 2005 in Boa Esperança, Pará, Brazil, the Stang family, during their customary family reunion, dedicated a large stone with a bronze plaque in Dorothy’s memory at Calvary Cemetery in Dayton, Ohio.
We are happy to share the discovery of a new species of a screech owl in the Amazon rainforest named after our martyred Sister of Notre Dame de Namur Dorothy Stang. A native of Dayton, OH, and a graduate of Julienne High School, Sister Dorothy taught in Illinois and Arizona before beginning her life’s work in the Brazilian Amazon fighting for the rights of people in poverty.
The Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in the United States and across the globe continue to share Sister Dorothy's story and ministry and encourage sisters, associates, colleagues, friends old and new to advance Sister Dorothy's legacy in a world that is crying out for the healing presence of God and an appreciation and respect for all of creation.
Evan Mack, the producer of Angel of the Amazon, an opera based on Sister Dorothy, will ...
Over the past ten months, the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur have been engaged in the Sister Dorothy Stang 15th Anniversary Rememberance project with the theme, “Her Legacy endures in us,” This project, which remembers Sister Dorothy on the 15th anniversary of her murder in Brazil, began on February 12, 2020 and will continue through February 12, 2021.
These are photos of the dedication of the Sister Dorothy Stang Park in Belem, Para, Brazil. The park serves a neighborhood that lacked a play area. The people are delighted!
During the 15th Anniversary of Sister Dorothy Stang's martyrdom, we would like to s...