June 2, 1937 - June 6, 2014
Dolores Ann Lintner was born June 2, 1937 in Hamilton, Ohio. Her father, Lynn Lintner and her mother, Ann Wenzel Lintner were originally from Somerville, Ohio and Brookville, Indiana respectively.
Dolores (or Dee, as we all knew her) grew up in St. Stephen Parish, Hamilton, Ohio where she received the sacraments and perhaps also the seed of her religious vocation. It was at St. Stephen’s that she first met the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur.
She entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur briefly from February, 1958 to August, 1958 and then permanently on August 1, 1959 taking the name Sister Mary Dolores. She professed her first vows in August 1961. Her final vows were professed in August, 1967.
Dolores’ teaching ministry was of service in Cincinnati, Dayton and Columbus, in Ohio. Other ways to serve the people of God surfaced in Arizona, Cincinnati and Dayton. Dolores said on more than one occasion, “I want to be poor with the poor.”
Her health was not good, but that did not deter her from cheerful service and quiet attention to those in need. She was a caring pastoral visitor and considered ministry to the elderly a privilege rather than a duty.
Her brothers, sister-in-law and many nieces and nephews will miss her. The Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur and her close friends will recall with gratitude her time with us in community and in various ministries.
A quote from L.M.Alcott’s Little Women seems to fit Dee as well:
“There are many Beths in the world, shy, quiet, sitting in
corners till needed, and living for others so cheerfully
that no one sees the sacrifices.”
Judith Wessels, SNDdeN
June 6, 2014