About the Sisters News

Photo of people holding candles with increasingly blurry background with a text that said, this is how all will know that you are my disciples, that you have love for one another. Then  it says John 3:15.

If you have not yet tried reading the daily readings during Lent, I encourage you to begin or end your day filling your mind with God’s word. As I suggested last month, this is one way to help keep you grounded in who Jesus is and what he does. You can have the gospel sent to your email or you can read it online at usccb.org

The Christians for Ceasefire collaboration, in which Mercy Justice Team, Franciscan Action Network, Pax Christi USA, and Maryknoll OGC, among others, are taking part, is calling for Lenten prayer and action for a cease-fire in Gaza.

Village men and women are actively engaged in improving their living conditions. Health is a top concern which can be addressed with clean water.

Water Snapshot #3

February 29, 2024

If you have been following along with our Clean Water for Life series, you know that clean water is the key to a healthy life. Today, we’d like you to know more about one of the areas where our Sisters live and work to bring health and hope to the world.

Lenten Appeal

"This Lent ..."

February 27, 2024

This Lent, please join me and all our Sisters as we seek to be Jesus to others even in the smallest ways. Let us go out of our way to do so, out of our routine, out of our comfort zone. The opportunities are there, if only we look.

Cattle ranching in Para, Brazil

Let us pray for an end to the waste and desecration of God's creation, For access to the fruits of creation to be shared equally among all people, And for communities and nations to find sustenance in the fruits of the earth and the water God has given us.

Water Snapshot #2

February 22, 2024

During week two of the 2024 Lenten season, the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur invite you to learn more about our work here in Cincinnati that impacts developing countries throughout Africa.

We were asked to call Congress about the FOREST Act a few weeks ago. The Sisters of Mercy of the Americas has provided a follow-up opportunity to either THANK or CALL OUT our Congresspersons for their decision to sponsor or not respond to the FOREST Act.

I ask for you a year overflowing with the graces and blessings of heaven for your spiritual progress; then good health for the accomplishment of God's will. St. Julie Billiart.

A spoonful of microplastics

Save the Date! In celebration of Earth Day 2024, the Plastics Advocacy committee of the Dorothy Stang Initiative will host Laudato Si’: Spirituality and Action on Saturday, April 20 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. in Amiens.

During the 2024 Lenten season, we hope you will take a moment to learn about the work of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur to provide clean water in Africa.

2024 Lenten Video Message

February 14, 2024

Today, we invite you to watch this 2024 Lenten Video Message from Sister Marilyn Kerber, SNDdeN. "How will you and I stand by Jesus this Lent? How do we minister to others? Do we accompany people in their pain? Do we stand by people in their pain? We can participate in traditional practices. We can attend the Way of the Cross. Make a point to participate in the triduum services." The Sisters will pray for you and your family throughout this Lenten season.

O glorious advocate and protector, St. Valentine, look with pity upon our wants, hear our requests, attend to our prayers, relieve by your intercession, the miseries under which we labor, and obtain for us the divine blessing, that we may be found worthy to join you in praising the Almighty for all eternity, through the merits of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen

Lent begins on February 14th! It is also Valentine’s Day! A perfect way for us to remember God’s wonderful love for us and our need to repent and return to Him with new energy and commitment.

Celebrate Catholic Schools Week with the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur

God our Father, you created the world and sent your own Son to live among us, made of the same stuff, breathing the same air, marveling at sunrise and sunset just as we do.

As you know, the Dorothy Stang Initiative’s Plastic Taskforce aims to get the City of Cincinnati to enforce the plastic bag ban already on the city books. However, Ohio has a state law makes it unlawful for municipalities to enact bag bans.

Join the Sisters of Charity’s Earth Connection for Recovering a Sense of the Sacred: Eco-spirituality for Our Times, Thursday, January 18 at 1:00 PM. Presented by Sr. Caroljean Willie, SC.

Art as Ministry

January 4, 2024

The blazing Kenyan sun beats ruthlessly upon a shopping mall parking lot, which doubles as an asphalt art gallery.

Sister Jean Anne Blust, SNDdeN

December 28, 2023

The Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur ask for prayers for the repose of the soul of Sister Jean Anne Blust, SNDdeN, who passed away on December 26, 2023.

On the last Sunday of November 2023, Dr. Shannen Dee Williams, Associate Professor...

Water, or the lack of it, has a long history in Pelende, a history that involves the resolve of its residents, Jesuits, French consultants, an American engineer, Midwestern benefactors, Cincinnati high school students and school children, many still in grammar school. Especially crucial have been Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur.

“Everyone has a creative soul,” Sister Anne Ralston, SNDdeN, says. She adds: “We simply need to find ways to express it.” Sister Anne manages the Mount Notre Dame Health Center Gift Shop. The lifelong crafter also sews, cross stitches, crewels, scrapbooks, and paints with watercolors. Most recently, she learned to fashion two- and three-dimensional cards using Swarovski crystals.