About the Sisters News

As we celebrate All Saints' and All Souls' Day this week, we invite you to watch this special 2023 All Souls' video reflection from Sister Marilyn Kerber, SNDdeN: "On this All Souls' Day, let us reflect on the Communion of Saints and develop our understanding of and belief in it. I believe we will find it to be a blessing. God of Life and Death, lead us closer to you and to our loved ones who are already with you in eternity."

Our God is a mighty God. His works are recorded in His Word, and His works inspire trust in the hearts of His people.

Read Monthly Reflections of God's Goodness from Sister Mary Ann Barnhorn, SNDdeN

The Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur ask for prayers for the repose of the soul of Sister Marietta Fritz, SNDdeN, who passed away on August 12, 2023

An international gathering of students realized a hallmark expression of Notre Dame de Namur learning communities: Infusing classroom experience with global perspectives and integrating classroom learning with civic and cultural interactions.

The Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur ask for prayers for the repose of the soul of Sister Eleanor Colgan, SNDdeN, who passed away on August 11, 2023

The Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur ask for prayers for the repose of the soul of Sister Jeanne Marie Suerth, SNDdeN who passed away on July 24, 2023

“I believe the sharing of flowers brings joy and creates hope.” Dan Druffel, Druffel Gardens Dan Druffel knows that the gift of fresh-cut flowers sparks joy. A retired landscaper, Dan turned his attention to doing just this through his non-profit, Druffel Gardens.

The Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur ask for prayers for the repose of the soul of Sister Mary DiCroce, SNDdeN who passed away on July 18, 2023

The Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur ask for prayers for the repose of the soul of Sister Mary Carolina Hess, SNDdeN who passed away on July 4, 2023

Grace Herron, a lyric soprano from Philadelphia will be performing a classical concert in Brasilia this Friday, July 7th at 8:00 pm Brazil time. This concert will feature the international debut of “The Mountain Top” from Evan Mack’s opera “Angel of the Amazon.” Livestream link: https://www.youtube.com/@ctjonline/streams

Our Arizona Associates celebrated their Commitment Ceremony on Saturday, May 20th, as did other Ohio Associates at Mount Notre Dame Chapel in Cincinnati, Ohio. In addition to those gatherings, fifty-two Associates live-streamed the Mass and Commitment Ceremony that was held at MND.

On this Laudato Si' week, we are happy to share this book with anyone who would like to read "Angel in the Forest" Book, written by Sister Janet Mullen, SNDdeN.

Laudato Si’ Week starts this Sunday, May 21. Many suggestions are coming from the Holy See as to how we can celebrate. This week is meant for us to connect to the Spirituality of Creation, which is one of the seven goals of the Laudato Si’ Action Platform.

I was seven years old and staring at the clock, willing the hands to move forward when they seemed to have stopped entirely. My grandparents had come to town and brought with them the practice of saying the rosary every night before bed. Their fingers lingered patiently on each bead as they recited one “Hail Mary” after another. My little fingers haphazardly danced around my rosary while I wished they would speed it up. Judging from the looks on the faces of my five older brothers and sisters, they seemed to agree.

A picture with blue background of tree seedling wrapped in brown paper bag with a text "We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children."

An End to Waste

May 13, 2023

“We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.” No truer words… This YLBG is a response to one of the informational items on our Earth Day table: false solutions to the plastics problem. This is the last in this YLBG series! This week let’s talk about the so-called solution of downcycling.

Elena Telemante is a second-year member of NDMVA in Lumberton, New Mexico. Learn her connection to NDMVA through Sister Rose Marie Deilbel, SNDdeN, who also served in St. Francis of Assisi school.

Last year, Sister Rita Sturwold, SNDdeN recorded a reflection for Heart to Heart, a Catholic Media Ministry. Her reflection is featured as part of "Season of Joy: Reflections for 50 Days of Easter.

“Keep rowing upstream” is one of Sister Dorothy Stang’s saying that resonates with me as a community organizer. I believe that each one of us can make a difference, through our small choices. On April 24, 2013, the world was rattled by the Rana Plaza disaster in Dhaka, Bangladesh, which housed five factories. 1,132 people were killed and over 2,500 were injured.

As NDMVA members continue to bask in the glow of the MidYear Conference and are celebrated for their service and achievements during AmeriCorps Week, members have officially passed the halfway mark of their service journey.

If in any of the last 44 years along the jungled rivers of the Brazil-French Guiana frontier, you were to see an open, outboard, aluminum-bottomed boat making way, you would more than likely notice on the boat’s nicked and worn benches, among the many brown faces set against the wind, one fair one, and it would be Sister Rebeca Spires, SNDdeN.

Make connections! Connection is so important when we are engaged in the work of justice and caring for the earth. We cannot do this work alone. And we can find inspiration in the work of those sisters who have gone before. Earth Day is coming up on April 22. Catholic Climate Covenant’s theme this year is God’s Abundant Vision for Life. Engage with their activities. Connect with Just Earth – Cincinnati, a new organization Sr. Judy Tensing helped create as her ministry at Venice on Vine was coming to an end. heir mission statement: “Just Earth educates and facilitates action among residents of the Cincinnati region to address the intersecting crises of climate change, biodiversity loss, and environmental injustice.”

The most significant project that is taking place at Pelende, Democratic Republic of Congo is the refurbishment of the water system.

Post from Catholic Services of the Miami Valley facebook page: The sisters provide education to the poor and needy throughout the United States, “making known God’s goodness”, and “educating for life.” With “hearts as wide as the world”, the sisters’ presence also extends to twenty countries on five continents, many of which have a critical need for pure, safe drinking water. This Lent, a presentation and demonstration of the sisters’ Clean Water for Life Project was given to multiple Catholic Schools, including Our Lady Of The Rosary School, and presented by OLR alumnus Marsha J. Loges! Thank you, Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, for your example of Love in Action!

Before finishing her internship at the Congregational Mission Office in Ipswich, MA, Sister Kumiko Azuma, SNDdeN spent a week in Ohio. In Japan, Sister Kumiko teaches at Notre Dame Seishin Schools in Okayama.