Our Mission Forward

Sharing Our Mission: A Resource Guide to Partners in Ministry

The Ohio Office of Mission Integration and Sponsorship proudly presents Sharing Our Mission: A Resource Guide for Partners in Ministry. Inspired by St. Julie Billiart’s words, “You know that desires are not enough; action is needed,” this guide invites partners to join the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in their mission to make God’s goodness known. Through insights into St. Julie’s legacy of trust in God, commitment to transformative education, and courageous response to the needs of her time, partners are equipped to embody her vision while advancing justice, peace and care of creation.

A Mission Forward: Life and Spirituality of St. Julie Billiart

This booklet, A Mission Forward: Life and Spirituality of St. Julie Billiart, is our newest version of the life and spirituality of St. Julie Billiart, foundress of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. Created for our lay partners in mission, it tells the founding story of the congregation and the spirituality in which it is rooted. St. Julie is an inspiration for us all as we continue to carry her mission forward into our world today.

Since its publication, it has been used by those in mission with us and by all of our ministries, both educational and health care centers, as an orientation resource for new staff, faculty, administrators and board members. It is designed to be read by groups as “Mission Moments” followed by discussion using the reflection questions after each section.