A newly uncovered educational slideshow presentation from Most Holy Trinity School in Phoenix, Arizona, illuminates the early teaching career of Sister Dorothy Stang, SNDdeN, who served there as Sister Mary Joachim from 1953 to 1966. The presentation, narrated and featuring photographs from the mid-1960s, offers a detailed look at the school's daily life and educational practices.
The presentation, which includes carefully composed photographs and accompanying narration, takes viewers on a comprehensive tour of school activities. The slideshow captures the vibrant community where Sister Dorothy worked alongside other Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, from morning flag-raising ceremonies to afternoon extracurricular programs. The photographs showcase various aspects of school life, including modern phonics labs, math instruction, volunteer programs, and physical education activities.
Most significantly, the presentation highlights the school's emphasis on community involvement through its extensive parent volunteer program and student-led initiatives. These elements reflect the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur's mission of "making known God's goodness through educating for life" and foreshadow Sister Dorothy's future work with communities experiencing poverty in Brazil.
This historical slideshow bridges Sister Dorothy's formative years as an educator and her later advocacy for environmental justice and human rights, for which she ultimately gave her life in 2005. The carefully preserved photographs and narration demonstrate how the progressive values she championed throughout her life were evident even in her early years as an educator in Phoenix.