Being a Neighbor to Nature:
Loving Solidarity for All Creation

The Great Commandment is to love God and one's neighbor as oneself. But what about nonhuman creation? This presentation will draw from Scripture and Tradition to consider the possibilities and limits of extending neighbor-love to nature. In light of Pope Francis' repeated claim that "everything is connected," we will explore how to pivot from individuals with a spiritual and moral commitment to care for creation to building the kinds of relationships and shared practices that move us from "ecological conversion" toward "ecological communion."


Dr. Marcus Mescher is associate professor of Christian ethics at Xavier University. Dr. Mercher holds a Ph.D. from Boston College where his heart and mind have focused on Catholic social teaching and moral formation. His work embraces our shared commitment to human dignity, social and environmental justice, and inclusive solidarity. With joy and purpose, Dr. Mercher explores moral agency in cultural and digital contexts, friendship, sexual justice, and healing for people harmed by clergy abuse. His insights appear in numerous publications including the Journal of Moral Theology and The Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics, and in his books "The Ethics of Encounter" and "Fratelli Tutti Study Guide." Currently, he listens faithfully to today's challenges, focusing on mental health and moral injury.

Teresa Phillips, Director of Justice, Peace and Care for Creation will be providing practical applications. More details to follow.

Media contact: Tami McMann, Communications Manager, at [email protected].

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